Journal Impact Factor (JCI IF)

1. Standard Journal Impact Factor: One year of citations to two years of articles

Example: For the calculation of 2022 impact factor,

A. Total cites to the articles (published in 2020 and 2021) in 2022.

B. Number of articles published in 2020 and 2021.

Formula: A/B

2. Annual Journal Impact Factor: One year of citations to one year of articles

Example: For the calculation of 2022 impact factor,

A. Total cites to the articles (published in 2021) in 2022.

B. Number of articles published in 2021.

Formula: A/B

3. Five Year Journal Impact Factor: One year of citations to five years of articles

Example: For the calculation of 2022 impact factor,

A. Total cites to the articles (published in 2017-2021) in 2022.

B. Number of articles published in 2017-2021.

Formula: A/B

4. Total Journal Impact Factor: One year of citations to total published articles

Example: For the calculation of 2022 impact factor,

Total cites to the articles (published till 2021) in 2022.

Number of articles published till 2021.

Formula: A/B

JCI IF Online Application

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