For Journal Impact Factor (JCI IF)


We are providing 4 types of impact factors.

  1. Standard Journal Impact Factor
  2. Annual Journal Impact Factor
  3. Five Year Journal Impact Factor
  4. Total Journal Impact Factor


Standard Journal Impact Factor: Journal should be, at least, 3 years old.

Annual Journal Impact Factor: Journal should be, at least, 2 years old.

Five Year Journal Impact Factor: Journal should be, at least, 6 years old.

Total Journal Impact Factor: Journal should be, at least, 2 years old.

For Journal Quality Score (JCI QS)

Journal should be at least 1 year old.

For RMetaHub

Journals with the ISSN or DOI will get indexed in RMetaHub.

For metaSpectra

Journals with the ISSN or DOI will get indexed in metaSpectra.

You can use the search option in RMetaHub ( for knowing whether your journal is indexed in RMetaHub or metaSpectra (

Note: Publishers can take free account on metaSpectra and get the access to >160 million records!

For info about JCI QS – Visit Here

For info about JCI IF – Visit Here

For online application – Visit Here